Monday, July 25, 2016

The Stupidest Thing The United States Government Ever Did

                                     (published originally by The Unintimidated Press)

If you were trying to determine what the stupidest thing the government ever did was what criteria do you think you'd use to base your decision on? The criteria we selected was the action or policy that the government embarked upon that was the least necessary to undertake and had the most costly ramifications associated with it. Based on that criteria, we believe that there's one policy or action that easily stands out among all the rest: The government's inexplicable commitment to Israel.

To understand that commitment you must go back to when it first began, the late 1940's. After World War 2 ended, Jews around the world wanted to establish a homeland for worshipers of their faith halfway around the world and on land that was right smack dab in the middle of a vast ocean of Islam, a region we now know to be the most hostile in the world. The question is what did that ever have to do with the United States? How about: Absolutely nothing.

If the Jews wanted to fight for that land, that was their prerogative. Have at it. Hip, hip, hooray. Give 'em a pat on the back. But it never had anything to do with the United States. So how is it then that a New Jersey-sized desert halfway around the world has ended up costing the American people - according to credible estimates - well over $6 trillion, as well as putting the life of every man, woman, and child in the country at risk of terrorist attack? How about: Stupidity.

Indeed, the government's deeply troubling commitment to Israel easily fits squarely within the criteria we mentioned. First, it was totally unnecessary. There was no justifiable reason to drag the American people into the mess between the Jews and the Palestinians. It didn't threaten the United States in any way, shape, or form. It wasn't our fight. There was no reason to stick our nose in it. And ramifications, you wanna talk about ramifications.

By dragging us into that nightmare the government exposed us all to a whole Noah's Ark-full of extremely costly and dangerous ramifications that we likely never would've been exposed to otherwise: The 9/11 attacks; the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; the Afghanistan war; over 5000 dead Americans; the Arab Oil Embargo; over $6 trillion of our money thrown away; living under the constant threat of terrorist attack, to name a few. And don't forget the spying the government does on us in the name of fighting terrorism, a direct ramification of it's commitment to Israel.

Indeed, the goal of Jihad is to capture Jerusalem first then all of the rest of Israel. So by dragging us into the nightmare between the Jews and the Arabs the government turned all of the world's Jihadis into instant enemies of the American people. Genius stuff, right? So despite all the ranting and raving it does about terrorism it was the government itself that foolishly and recklessly brought the scourge terrorism to this country's shores. The question is for what?

And to make matters worse, the government's commitment to Israel is a blatant violation of the Constitution's establishment clause barring the government from engaging in religious favoritism. The truth is, since the late 1940's the government of this country has been doing everything within its power to establish a separate, independent, offshore homeland for worshipers of the Jewish faith (where Americans of Jewish ancestry can acquire Israeli citizenship merely by moving there and still keep their American citizenship as well) halfway around the world and using the money and lives of non-Jews in the United States to pay for it. Isn't that exactly the kind of thing the Constitution was designed to prevent?

We rather affectionately refer to it here as the government's pet, Jewish homeland-building project. Let's call it what it is.

All of the above ramifications have one thing in common: They were all perfectly avoidable. It was as simple as the government merely having the sense - intelligence - to keep us out of a situation that didn't have anything to do with us. We're confident when we say that there isn't anything that the government of this country has ever done that was as unnecessary and more costly than its disastrous commitment to Israel - a New Jersey-sized desert halfway around the world that has nothing of significance to offer the United States nor has ever done anything of significance for the United States. Based on the aforementioned criteria, this is easily the stupidest thing the government of this country ever did.

And the sad part is there doesn't appear to be any end in sight. The brutal ramifications that we've been subjected to already are likely just the tip of the iceberg. This could literally go on for many generations of Americans to come, unless of course the government recklessly gets us all killed first.

Zero intelligence

Folks, this is just plain bad government. It's irresponsible government because it's squandered trillions of dollars of our money for little or nothing tangible in return save for a few defense industry jobs, which is another matter in and of itself. It's reckless government because it recklessly puts the life of every man, woman, and child in the country at risk of terrorist attack. And it's unintelligent - aka stupid - government.

You know there's something clearly out of whack when the leaders of this country accord such significance to, are so obsessed with, such a tiny, inconsequential country halfway around the world that's never done anything of significance for the United States, nor has anything of significance to offer the United States, nor has any significant or strategic natural resources to speak of. You know something's out of whack when the leaders of this country center our entire foreign policy in the Middle East around one of the most tiny, inconsequential, and irrelevant countries in the region. That would be similar to centering our entire foreign policy for Europe around the tiny Netherlands. Genius stuff, right? It's the reason why every time the United States turns around in the Middle East it just ends up shooting itself in the foot all over again. This is what happens when you center your entire foreign policy in a region twice the size of Europe around a country the size of New Jersey.

Folks, we're not making this stuff up. This is exactly the mentality that these people are literally walking around with. It hard to see how people who govern with such a frame of mind can ever lay claim to being intelligent, particularly when you consider the obscene and horrifying price that tags along with it. Sadly, we need to resign ourselves to the fact that the people who lead this country are likely never going to win any awards for intelligence.

Americans shouldn't be afraid to question the intelligence of the people who lead this country, either. Keep in mind, these people have our lives in their hands. We have a right to know whether they have the intelligence to be entrusted with that responsibility or not and if they don't then they shouldn't be sitting at the highest levels of the government of this country. It is our policy here to reserve the right to openly question the intelligence of any member of Congress who supports the government's commitment to Israel to be sitting at the highest levels of the government of this country. And that would extend to the President as well. We estimate that since the end of World War Two a very significant number of the people who have sat at the highest levels of the government of this country clearly did not have the intelligence to be there.

Selling us down the river

This intelligence deficiency is reflected in the way they go about the job of governing the country, and leaves little doubt that the government's disastrous commitment to Israel isn't going away anytime soon: special interest government. The difference between an intelligent government and a special interest government is an intelligent government strives to do what's best for the country and its citizens. A special interest government on the other hand strives to do what's best for special interests. The problem is what's best for special interests isn't necessarily what's best for the country as a whole. It is for that reason that special interest government is an inherently unintelligent way to govern a country.

It's great for special interests but it can be a disaster for the rest of the country. There's no better example of that than the government's commitment to Israel. It's been great for special interest Israel. It's also been great for members of Congress who rake in tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions directly or indirectly from sources sympathetic to Israel, like the American Israel Political Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. But it's been an unmitigated disaster for the American people and the country as a whole. (Go back and review the ramifications)

What this constitutes of course is the egregious and blatant selling of the American people down the river for Israel. Let's call it what it is. If that doesn't get your attention maybe this will: Do you want to die for Israel? It's a question you better start thinking about if you haven't already because the leaders of this country appear to have made it abundantly clear that they wouldn't have any qualms whatsoever about getting you killed if that's what it takes to get that next campaign contribution from one of Israel's wealthy supporters.

Members of Congress need to be advised that selling us down the river for a domestic special interest is one thing. Selling us down the river for a foreign special interest or country is, well, there's a term for that ... Use your imagination.

Politically incorrect

Don't look to either the government or the press for the truth about the government's commitment to Israel. Government officials aren't going to admit the truth and all you're ever likely to get from the mainstream press is: "Israel is America's closest friend and strongest ally in the Middle East." That's the politically correct way to characterize it.

However, the politically correct way is little more than a ruse to dupe the American people into believing that Israel has some kind of colossal value to the United States. Don't believe it. Our so-called closest friend and strongest ally in the Middle East is little more than a Jersey-sized desert with no natural resources to speak of and perhaps all of 8 million people and can't even defend itself without us propping it up. Clearly, the hype is way, way out of all proportion with the reality. The actual truth is Israel has no value to the United States at all.

Well, as you might've already guessed, political correctness means nothing to us here. We won't let it stand in the way of the truth no matter how politically incorrect it may be to say it. And the truth is that no matter what label you put on it, whether you call it America's closest friend and strongest ally in the Middle East or God's gift to humanity - and some people actually foolishly do - all Israel is to the United States is just one gigantic, colossal liability. In fact, it would even be safe to say that Israel is easily the biggest liability that this country has ever had in its entire history. It's become a veritable yoke around the necks of the American people; a cancer growing on the United States.

A good rule of thumb is however the government and the press characterize America's relationship with Israel the actual truth is likely just the opposite. In fact, there probably isn't a better example of how political correctness can suppress the truth than the government's commitment to Israel. The behavior of the mainstream media in particular on this issue has been grossly irresponsible. Despite the fact that there isn't anything that the government of this country does that has more red flags associated with it (go back and review the ramifications) than its disastrous and unconstitutional commitment to Israel you won't hear any mention of those red flags by the mainstream press.

In fairness to the press, it's probably too intimidated by the government to raise the red flag on this issue. Heck, even the BBC doesn't deviate from the sanitized politically correct way to characterize the United States' relationship with Israel.

Not our responsibility

There are two things that the American people need to know about the government's commitment to Israel. First, no American should feel any obligation or responsibility to guarantee the right of the Jews to have their own separate, independent, offshore homeland for worshipers of their faith. It is no more our responsibility than Brazil's responsibility, or India's, or China's, or France's, etc ... This is just something that the government of this country took upon itself to heap on our backs despite the fact that doing so was forbidden by the Constitution.

Secondly, no American should feel any obligation or responsibility to guarantee Israel's security. This is also something that the government just took upon itself to heap on our backs despite the fact that it wasn't our responsibility either and with a reckless disregard for the costs and ramifications involved. Furthermore, if anyone is responsible for Israel's security it would be the United Nations. The United Nations is the organization that created that mess when it passed resolution 181 in 1947 partitioning Palestine into two states, one Palestinian and the other Jewish. We say let Israel's security revert to the United Nations where it belongs. It's shirked that responsibility far too long.

Copyright 2016 The Unintimidated Press